73 percent of women say they would open up about sensitive issues if a friend reaches out in private.*
Feeling unsafe is not uncommon for women all over the world today – whether it’s physical threats, like harassment or abuse, or internal factors like mental health. And for those experiencing unsafe situations, speaking up and seeking help doesn’t always feel like an option.
To help women living in these unsafe situations, What’s App placed custom-built interactive mirrors, reminding women to send a private message to a friend they think might be in need of support. They then placed across the UK and India in private spaces: women’s restrooms.
Launch Film
Interactive Mirrors
When someone approaches the mirrors, a message appears alongside a QR code that offers suggestions for checking in via a private WhatsApp message. Afterwards, the message vanishes without a trace, just like WhatsApp’s disappearing messages. A private conversation with a friend or loved one can be a lifeline, offering a safe way to share their experience or get help they need.
* Results from a YouGov survey of 6,000 people across the UK, India, Brazil and US. Issues include at least one of the following: mental health, domestic abuse, workplace harassment, harassment at college/university or sexual harassment.